I participated in『Make Customer service a team support with Slack and Zendesk』Webinar

I participated in『Make Customer service a team support with Slack and Zendesk』Webinar

Clock Icon2023.02.23



Hemanth of Alliance Department here. In this blog, I'll be writing down the top points in the 「Make customer service a team support with Slack and Zendesk」webinar.

Speakers for the webinar

How organisations can lead in the current hybrid world

We have to be flexible and inclusive inorder to increase the speed and working along with other departments. We also need to connect with customer efficiently and put them in the center of our business startegy.

Slack gets all of them together

Slack is mainly known for chat but under the hood it is known for automating, streamlining using API's, making use of event triggers and doing all of this all while surfacing right actions at right time.

Slack Connect

It is used for colaboration with vendors, customers and expert. Slacks workspace already has tools, workspace along with necessary information to collaborate inorder get the required solutions. Integerating support ticketing system with slacks makes it even more valuable.

Introduction to Zendesk

A complete customer solution which power companies accrossing 160 countries. Zendesk suite makes it easy for customer, agents and businessess to provide support. For customer it provides the multi-channel support, agents are offered intuitive workspace like triggers, integeration etc. For businesses it provides all important analytics, dashboard etc.

Value of bringing Zendesk and Slack together

There are still many situations out there where battling high volume tickets and also an increase demand of customers. Best practices of Zendesk and slack integeration shown below simplifies workflow, enables self service and improves collaboration.

key focus areas are as follows

Ticket Creation & Notifications

The most time consuming thing is to login to multiple tools to get work done. This integeration allows them to work along with tool of their choice. For raising a ticket they can do it right within slack, post internal comments, write notes etc. We can receive notification without needing to login to email or any other new window or tool. This simplies requester side support interaction.

Side Conversations

The other side of supports requests are agents. This functionality boosts team productivity and collaboration. This allows to pull in other team members to answer the request. Thanks to integeration the ticket can be sent to slack channels. This allows them stay within their tool and doesn't require to login to other tools. Down below you can see one such example.

Answer Bot

If agents are available or not answer bot is always avilable to provide support and share relavant articles to question. Down below is one such example.

Github improves team collaboration with Slack and Zendesk Integeration

Github uses this integeration for one on one conversations, tranzy discussions and multiple team members collaborating and all of these interactions need to be documented and available so that other team members when require certain information can acsess it.

New Functionalities coming to Zendesk-Slack integeration

Slack Direct Messages

Releasing in a couple of weeks, this is similar to any other channels but unique in it's own way. This functionality can be used by the customer to start support request. Slack connect talked about ealier is mainly focussed on the ongoing conversation, containing a group of people and contains more than one issue. Here in slack direct it is treated similar to email, live chat messaging and so on i.e like one-one traditional support.

Ticket Notifications via Triggers

Every organisations has unique need and based on them which need they need to be notified on. More big updates related to this will be coming in soon which will enrich notifications with more information, build in more business logic. Configure based on number of instances on ticket and many more such functionality. This feature is coming mostly in the octobar.

Answer Bot Enhancements

Related to particular department of organistaion the articles are shared. For HR channel HR related blogs are shared for the request mentions same goes with IT channel and IT related blogs are shared. Configure chatbot based on tags, segments and many such more. This enhancement also allows to submit more relevant articles or blogs as response that makes the answer more prespective.


Finally using all of the above features helps customers, it helps in deflecting more tickets and mainly improvement in self service. As time passes make more and more customers take advantage of these powerful functionalities.


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